Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Daily Food and Fitness Diary - 2/6/2008


  • Dannon DanActive Probiotic Immunity Yogurt Drink in Strawberry (90 Calories, 1.5g Fat): WHEW what a MOUTHFUL! From now on I will be refering to this little gem as simply DanActive. I picked this up on a whim last night at WallyWorld. It's supposed to "help stregthen my body's defenses"....we'll see. If I so much as SHIFFLE, I'm writing Dannon! Just Kidding. But, overall it was good. Suprisingly, I'm not put off my the consistency (I am a real stickler for food textures). I would repurchase.

  • Special K Bar in Vanilla Crisp (90 Calories, 1.5g Fat): I LOVE these things. They remind me of a Rice Crispy Treat. Which is kind of bad because one night I ate like 3 of them!! (I REALLY need to control my late night snacking)

  • Banana (aprx 105 Calories)

Total Breakfast Calories: 285. Not Bad!

Mid Morning Snack:

  • Aprx. a Handful of Cascadian Farms Granola in Cinnamon Raisin (Aprx. 200 Calories): I heart granola. And, this brand is organic..........if that means anything! (Maybe I'll do a post about the benefits of organic food.......because honestly, I'm not too sold, yet)


  • Lean Cuisine Chicken Philly Flatbread Melt (330 Calories, 8g Fat): WHERE HAVE THESE BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! I am obsessed with Lean Cuisine's new Flatbread Series! I thought the Panini's where the TOP, until these came along. YUMMY!! I'm sure that these frozen meals are not ENTIRELY good for you, but when you are pressed for time and you need portion/calorie control like me, then these are the way to go.

  • 100 Calorie Pack Carrot Cake (100 Calories): They've packaged one of my FAV sweets of all time into 3 teeny weeny (And I mean TEENY WEENY) cupcake shaped cakes. I LOVE them.......I have to force myself to eat just one pack!

  • Golden Delicious Apple (aprx 72 Calories) I sweat Golden Delicious Apples! MMMMMM!

Total Lunch Calories: 502 Calories. YIKES! That seems like a LOT to me!

Mid Day Snack:

  • Bachman Pretzel Stix Pack (100 Calories)

  • Cheese Stick (60 Calories)


  • Dole Packaged Salad (Sweet Baby Greens) with Grilled Chicken Breast, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Orange Peppers and Kraft Free Ranch Dressing (Aprx 210 Calories)

TOTAL DAILY CALORIES: 1,357 Overall, it was a good day. I'm between 1,200 and 1,500 calories which is my personal daily goal.


  • 40 Minutes of Chisel Class: LAWD HAVE MERCY!!! This class is held at my local gym and it's 60 minutes of body toning. It utilizes hand weights, body bars, resistance bands, exercise ball, and various floor moves. This particular night the instructer went CRAZY on the squats! I couldn't take it after a legs where on FIRE!! I lasted 40 minutes! Hey, I was still getting over Sunday's Chisel class!
  • 40 minutes of Treadmill: Level 1 various inclines, 4.0-4.2 speed. I definetly can push myself more on the treadmill.....and I will start!

In summary, I think I had a GREAT day....One day at time!

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