Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is growing old....

.....had a whole pint of Ice Cream....It's like I can't stop myself from eating it...but afterwards I feel AWFUL!!! Why can't I have that feeling BEFORE I indulge?


Danielle M. Green said...

Hello I love your blog!!! Thank you so much, I have lost 50 pounds, since the summer. Everyday is new day for me as well. Thank you again. Keep the great work. Next time eat some skinny cow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle!

How'd you lose all those pounds?! Share! LOL. You're right, I should have got skinny cow. I love their ice cream sandwiches.

yummy411 said...

hey coffee! i completely understand! yes where is the feeling before. i def have the thoughts before trying to fight the crave,but the crave usually wins since i can feeell it...gggrrrr~

@ d. green: yes share please!

i guess we can stock healthy foods around us so we can't indulg in the bad stuff?

Danielle M. Green said...

Hello Coffee
I stop eating fast food!!!, I drink two bottles before I leave the house for work. I have to be at by 9:00am. Also I have a dog that I take for walks. Also the gym. Read the book skinny bitch. I also go to the gym. Keep up the good work.

yummy411 said...

hey coffee! how are things going? i'm having a tough time drinking the water. i am proud of myself this week for walking during my lunch break to get things. it's a catch 22.. i don't want to go spend money, but then i trick myself into going cuz i'll say "you don't want to walk up there cuz you are lazy." sure enough, i get to walking and spend money =/ i guess when i walk, i need a tangible goal in mind.