Thursday, December 6, 2007

Daily Food and Fitness Diary - 12/6/2007


Quaker Simple Harvest Apples with Cinnamon (150 Calories, 1.5g Fat)


Small Orange (45 Calories, .1g Fat)
Nature Valley Oats N Honey (180 Calories, 6g Fat) Not too keen on the fat content and the fact that sugar is the second ingredient listed...maybe I can find another alternative.

Lean Cuisine (320 Calories, 7g Fat) I HEART Lean Cuisine Paninis! I will never stop eating them! But, I should of paired it with some yogurt or something. Just a panini doesn't seen sufficient enough.


Bachman Single Serve Pretzel Sticks (100 Calories, 1g Fat)

Chicken Sausage-Garlic and Spinach (80 Calories)

Green Giant Healthy Weight Veggie Mix (180 Calories, 2.5g Fat) I am hooked on this! It is so good. It's full of Carrots, Snap Peas, Black Beans, Edamame in a delicious light sauce. Plus, it's in one of those new steam packs so it's super fast. Just 4 minutes in the microwave. Sure, nothing can compare to fresh veggies, but this is a nice substitute. I have like six in my freezer now! LOL

5 Ginger Snaps (140 Calories).......I know, I know....

TOTAL CALORIES: Aprx. 1115 Calories......not bad...I want to shoot for 1250-1300.

So, I'm realizing how dull my menu is. I will resolve to go the supermarket this weekend and get a variety of healthy foods and snacks. I'm sure I'll get completely bored of essentially the same things everyday. And I don't want to feel like I'm on a "DIET"...I want to learn how to make healthy choices everyday that will keep me interested, provide energy, and fill me up. I MAY even venture into one of those whole foods stores.......MAY....LOL


Today was a GREAT cardio day for me.

Treadmill: 40 minutes. I mixed it up a bit. I varied the incline, speeds, I even RAN for a few minutes....just a few, but it's a start!

Elliptical: 20 Minutes. I SO wanted to stay on longer...but I started seeing static and felt it best that I get

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! That start of the weekend! That means it's easier to stray off on the bad path. I must stay strong and make HEALTHY CHOICES!

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